Sunday, January 21, 2007

Differences from Gastric Bypass

Here are some of the differences that may make lap banding preferable to gastric bypass:

Lap banding is reversible: the device can be removed.
Lap band surgery is less invasive: the stomach and intestines are not cut or rerouted.
Anatomy is not permanently altered.
There is no effect on your body's nutrient absorption (whereas gastric bypass may cause nutrition deficiency in some cases).
Less scarring occurs: only small incisions are required.

Here are some of the differences that may make lap banding less preferable to gastric bypass:

A foreign object is left in the patient's body, increasing risk of infection.
Slippage of the band is rare but possible.
Weight loss typically occurs more gradually than with gastric bypass.
Nearby internal organs may be injured during the surgical placement of the band.